To my fellow mystics, witches, visionaries, psychics, sensitives, and weirdos

Value the Invisible | 2020

I recently listened to the podcast Telepathy Tapes about autistic non-speakers; it was so touching and beautiful. If you haven’t listened, I highly recommend it. It’s an opportunity to learn about their perspectives, gifts, and spiritual abilities. The way this podcast is spreading by word of mouth gives me hope that non-speakers will have more opportunities to be understood, supported, and respected.

I’m also hopeful that the collective will start to loosen its grip on materialism and learn to listen more deeply—to their inner knowing, intuition, and all the “non-speakers” like the animals and the natural world. I feel grateful to know the unseen world, I talk to animals and spirits on the regular. It can be difficult when this part of me feels unaccepted, misunderstood, or judged. Most people haven’t dared to explore their psychic and intuitive abilities. It’s easy to judge what we don’t understand, but as the saying goes, “you don’t know what you don’t know.”

I’ll say it’s been the most rewarding and rich part of my life to listen deeply. The animals speak, and so do the trees and the guardians of the land. Strengthening our internal compass and intuition is an invitation to navigate a chaotic world with greater wisdom. There is a much bigger world/picture than what we can see and touch. There is so much joy, creativity, opportunity, and beauty in this more expansive world that we mostly ignore as a society.  

While on a hike the other day, I stopped at a particularly beautiful ponderosa tree. I leaned my back against her trunk, and I felt and listened. A side note is that this ability to listen to the “non-speakers” of the world is first to be open, listen, and trust what you receive. Many of us suppress this ability, and even when we do receive a message, we often discredit it. I had this ability as a child, and I have been reclaiming it for the last ten + years. And by now, it is a powerful source of information that I am so grateful for. 

Anyhow, back to the tree. I sat on the ground and there was a perfect spot where I could lay my back against her trunk. I closed my eyes and started to listen. I felt a warm grandmother embrace from the tree, she was happy to have me there and was ready to give me support and listen to me. In my mind, I said hello and I thanked her. I felt her energy root my body to receive the medicine of the land. I felt an emotional sense of relief, similar to a young child reuniting with their mother after a hard day at school. I felt my connection again, it was as if all the cells in my body started to align and release the tension of being disconnected. I reflected on how much I am inspired by Mother Nature's healing ways. I learn about true generosity, service, unconditional love, and joy which is modeled to me when I plug back in. The land showed me their network of communication, everyone was talking to each other, as they always are. They talked about the internet and AI and then showed me their “World Wide Web” that spanned across the earth. I was reminded how much I can learn from plugging in and listening. Coyote also came to visit me, sharing some perspectives, that I might share another time. I left feeling grounded, connected reassured and the weight of the world felt lighter. 

I am sharing this mostly to give my support to the non-speakers of the world. I didn’t speak till I was older and then mostly signed and acted similarly to my deaf older brother. So perhaps I feel at home with the non-speakers, the way we communicate is my preferred language. For me, it allows so much more creativity, imagery, color, magic, and information. To my fellow mystics, witches, visionaries, psychics, sensitives, and weirdos - let’s keep connecting with the vastness and beauty of the invisible realms to pull in the miracles, the colors, songs, magic, and beauty. Despite feeling like an outcast from time to time, I wouldn’t trade it for the world - for my greatest sense of inspiration and the healing comes when I connect in these ways. When I feel, and when I listen to the great mystery, the void. 


six-day printmaking workshop in the colorful and beautiful town of Guanajuato